Ivan Grishaev's blog
Writing on programming, education, books and negotiations.
Просто берите Postgres
Постгрес и отчеты
PG2 release 0.1.18
PostgreSQL в браузере
Как наполнить базу сгенерированными джейсонами
PG2 release 0.1.15
PG2 release 0.1.12
PG2 release 0.1.11: HugSQL support
PG2 release 0.1.6: rich JSON capabilities
PG2 release 0.1.5: Migrations
PG2 release 0.1.4: HoneySQL API and shortcuts
PG2 release 0.1.3: Next.JDBC-compatible API
PG2 release 0.1.2: more performance, benchmarks, part 3
PG2 benchmarks, part 2
PG2 early announce and benchmarks, part 1
PG docs, part 8. HoneySQL
PG docs, part 7. COPY IN/FROM
PG docs, part 6. SSL
PG docs, part 5. Notifications
PG docs, part 4. Arrays
PG docs, part 3
PG docs, part 2
PG docs, part 1
Логи SQL (2)
Логи SQL
Conditional Queries in Datomic
Без ORM. Вдогонку
Уж сколько раз твердили миру