Table of Content


Deed is a library to dump any value into a byte array and read it back. It supports plenty of types out from the box: Java primitives, most of the Clojure types, Java collections, date and time, and so on. It supports even such tricky types as atoms, refs, and input streams. The full list of supported types is shown in the “Supported Types” section below.

Deed can be extended with custom types with ease. There is a contrib package that extends encoding and decoding logic for vectors from the the well-known mikera/vectorz library.

Deed is written in pure Java and thus is pretty fast (see the “Benchmarks” section). It’s about 30-50% faster than Nippy.

It doesn’t rely on the built-in Java Serializable interface for security reasons. Every type is processed manually.

Deep provides convenient API for reading the frozen data lazily one by one.


Obviously you would ask why doing this if we already have Nippy? This is what I had in mind while working on Deed:

  1. The library must be absolutely free from dependencies. This is true for the deed-core package: it’s written in pure Java with no dependencies at all. By adding it into a project, you won’t blow up you uberjar, nor you will have troubles with building a native image with GraalVM.

  2. Any part of Deed that requires 3rd-party stuff must be a sub-library. So you have precise control of what you use and what you don’t

  3. Unlike Nippy, Deed never falls back to native Java serialization. There is no such an option. Thus, your application cannot be attacked by someone how has forged a binary dump.

  4. Deed is simple: it blindly works with input- and output byte streams having no idea what’s behind them. It doesn’t take compression nor encryption into account – yet there are utilities for streams.

  5. The library provides API which personally I consider more convenient than Nippi’s. Namely, Deed can lazily iterate on a series of encoded data instead of reading the whole dump at once.

  6. Finally, why not using popular and cross-platform formats like JSON, Message Pack, or YAML? Well, because of poor types support. JSON has only primitive types and collections, and nothing else. Extending it with custom types is always a pain. At the same time, I want my decoded data be as close to the origin data as possible, say, LocalDateTime be an instance of LocalDateTime but not a string or java.util.Date. Sometimes, preserving metadata is crucial. To haldle all of these cases, there now a way other than making your own library.

Installation & Requirements

Deed requires Java version at least 16 to run. Tested with Clojure 1.9.0.

The core module with basic encode and decode capabilities:

;; lein
[com.github.igrishaev/deed-core "0.1.0"]

;; deps
com.github.igrishaev/deed-core {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}

Base64 module do encode and decode from/into base64 on the fly:

;; lein
[com.github.igrishaev/deed-base64 "0.1.0"]

;; deps
com.github.igrishaev/deed-base64 {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}

Vectorz module extends Deed with a number of Vector* classes from the mikera/vectorz library:

;; lein
[com.github.igrishaev/deed-vectorz "0.1.0"]

;; deps
com.github.igrishaev/deed-vectorz {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}

Quick Demo

This is a very brief example of how to dump the data into a file. Prepare the namespace with imports:

(ns demo
   [ :as io]
   [deed.core :as deed]))

Declare the file and the data:

(def file
  (io/file "dump.deed"))

(def data
  {:number 1
   :string "hello"
   :bool true
   :nil nil
   :symbol 'hello/test
   :simple-kw :test
   :complex-kw :foo/bar
   :vector [1 2 :test nil 42 "hello"]
   :map {:test {:bar {'dunno {"lol" [:kek]}}}}
   :set #{:a :b :c}
   :atom (atom {:abc 42})})

Pass them into the encode-to function as follows:

(deed/encode-to data file)

And this is it! If you examine the file with any kind of a hex editor, you’ll see a binary payload:

xxd /path/to/dump.deed

00000000: 0001 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000020: 0000 003b 0000 000b 004a 0000 0006 6e75  ...;
00000030: 6d62 6572 000e 004a 0000 0006 7379 6d62  mber...J....symb
00000040: 6f6c 004b 0000 000a 6865 6c6c 6f2f 7465  ol.K....hello/te
00000050: 7374 004a 0000 000a 636f 6d70 6c65 782d  st.J....complex-
00000060: 6b77 004a 0000 0007 666f 6f2f 6261 7200
00000070: 4a00 0000 0673 7472 696e 6700 2b00 0000  J....string.+...
00000080: 0568 656c 6c6f 004a 0000 0006 7665 6374  .hello.J....vect
00000090: 6f72 002e 0000 0006 000e 000c 0000 0000  or..............
000000a0: 0000 0002 004a 0000 0004 7465 7374 0000  .....J....test..
000000b0: 000c 0000 0000 0000 002a 002b 0000 0005  .........*.+....
000000c0: 6865 6c6c 6f00 4a00 0000 036e 696c 0000  hello.J....nil..
000000d0: 004a 0000 0004 626f 6f6c 0029 004a 0000  .J....bool.).J..
000000e0: 0003 7365 7400 3300 0000 0300 4a00 0000  ..set.3.....J...
000000f0: 0163 004a 0000 0001 6200 4a00 0000 0161  .c.J....b.J....a
00000100: 004a 0000 0009 7369 6d70 6c65 2d6b 7700  .J....simple-kw.
00000110: 4a00 0000 0474 6573 7400 4a00 0000 0461  J....test.J....a
00000120: 746f 6d00 3000 3b00 0000 0100 4a00 0000  tom.0.;.....J...
00000130: 0361 6263 000c 0000 0000 0000 002a 004a  .abc.........*.J
00000140: 0000 0003 6d61 7000 3b00 0000 0100 4a00;.....J.
00000150: 0000 0474 6573 7400 3b00 0000 0100 4a00  ...test.;.....J.
00000160: 0000 0362 6172 003b 0000 0001 004b 0000;.....K..
00000170: 0005 6475 6e6e 6f00 3b00 0000 0100 2b00  ..dunno.;.....+.
00000180: 0000 036c 6f6c 002e 0000 0001 004a 0000
00000190: 0003 6b65 6b                             ..kek

Now that you have a .deed file, read it back using the decode-from function:

(def data-back
  (deed/decode-from file))

Print the data-back to ensure it keeps the origin types:

{:number 1,
 :symbol hello/test,
 :complex-kw :foo/bar,
 :string "hello",
 :vector [1 2 :test nil 42 "hello"],
 :nil nil,
 :bool true,
 :set #{:c :b :a},
 :simple-kw :test,
 :atom #<Atom@75f6dd87: {:abc 42}>,
 :map {:test {:bar {dunno {"lol" [:kek]}}}}}

Compare them to ensure we didn’t loose anything. Since atoms cannot be compared, we dissoc them from both sides:

(= (dissoc data :atom) (dissoc data-back :atom))
;; true

Deed supports plenty of built-in Clojure and Java types. The next section describes which API it provides to manage the data.


Simple Encode and Decode

The encode-to function accepts two parameters: a value and an output. The value is an instance of any supported type (a map, a vector, etc).

The output is anything that can be coerced to the output stream using the io/output-stream function. It could be a file, another output stream, a byte array, or similar. If you pass a string, it’s treated a file name which will be created.


(deed/encode-to {:foo 123} "test.deed")

(deed/encode-to {:foo 123} (io/file "test2.deed"))

(deed/encode-to {:foo 123} (-> "test3.deed"

All the three invocations above dump the same map {:foo 123} into different files.

To read the data back, invoke the decode-from function. It accepts anything that can be coerced into an input stream using the io/input-stream function. It might be a file, another stream, a byte array, or a name of a file.

(deed/decode-from "test.deed")
;; {:foo 123}

(deed/decode-from (io/file "test2.deed"))
;; {:foo 123}

(deed/decode-from (-> "test3.deed"
;; {:foo 123}

Encoding to Memory

The functions below rely on external IO resources. If you want to dump the data into memory, use the encode-to-bytes function. It returns a byte array without any IO interaction:

(def buf
  (deed/encode-to-bytes {:test 123}))

(println (vec buf))

[0 1 0 1 0 0 ... 59 0 0 0 1 0 74 0 0 0 4 116 101 115 116 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123]

There is no an opposite decode-from-bytes function because a byte array is already a data source for the decode-from function. Just pass the result into it:

(deed/decode-from buf)
;; {:test 123}

Sequential Encoding and Decoding

We often dump vast collections to explore them afterwards. Say, you’re going to write 10M of database rows into a file to find a broken row with a script.

The functions above encode and decode a single value. That’s OK for primitive types and maps but not good for vast collections. For example, if you encode a vector of 10M items into a file and read it back, you’ll get the same vector of 10M items back. Most likely you don’t need all of these at once: you’d better to iterate on them one by one.

This is the case that encode-seq-to and decode-seq-from functions cover. The first function accepts a collection of items and writes them sequentially. It’s not a vector any longer but a series of items written one after another. The encode-seq-to invocation returns the number of items written:

(deed/encode-seq-to [1 2 3] "test.deed")
;; 3

Instead of a vector, there might be a lazy sequence, or anything that can be iterated.

If you read the dump using decode-from, you’ll get the first item only:

(deed/decode-from "test.deed")

To read all of them, use decode-seq-from:

(deed/decode-seq-from "test.deed")
[1 2 3]

What is the point to use sequential encoding? Because with a special API, you can read them lazily one by one.

The with-decoder macro takes two parameters: the binding symbol and the input. Internally, it creates a Decoder instance and binds it to the first symbol. The decode-seq function returns a lazy sequence of items from a decoder:

(deed/with-decoder [d "test.deed"]
  (doseq [item (deed/decode-seq d)]
    (println item)))
;; 1
;; 2
;; 3

You must process items before you exit the with-decoder macro.

The form above might be rewritten using the with-open macro. Since the Decoder object implements AutoCloseable interface, it handles the .close method which in turn closes the underlying stream.

(with-open [d (deed/decoder "test.deed")]
  (doseq [item (deed/decode-seq d)]
    (println item)))

In fact, you don’t even need to pass the decoder object into decode-seq because it implements the Iterable Java interface. Just iterate the decoder:

(deed/with-decoder [d "test.deed"]
  (mapv inc d))
;; [2 3 3]

(deed/with-decoder [d "test.deed"]
  (doseq [item d]
    (println "item is" item)))
;; item is 1
;; item is 2
;; item is 3

The items are read lazily so you won’t saturate memory.

Low-Level API

Deed provides low-level API for conditional or imperative encoding. The encode function writes a value into an instance of the Encoder class. You can use it in a cycle with some condition:

(deed/with-encoder [e "test.deed"]
  (doseq [x (range 1 32)]
    (when (even? x)
      (deed/encode e x))))

The decode function reads an object from the Decoder instance. When the end of the stream is met, you’ll get a special EOF object that you can check using the eof? preficate:

(deed/with-decoder [d "test.deed"]
  (loop [i 0]
    (let [item (deed/decode d)]
      (if (deed/eof? item)
        (println "EOF")
          (println "item" i item)
          (recur (inc i)))))))

;; item 0 2
;; item 1 4
;; item 2 6
;; item 3 8
;; item 4 10
;; item 5 12
;; item 6 14
;; item 7 16
;; item 8 18
;; item 9 20
;; item 10 22
;; item 11 24
;; item 12 26
;; item 13 28
;; item 14 30
;; EOF

The low-level might be useful when you need precise control on encoding and decoding.

API Options

Most of the functions accept an optional map of parameters. Here is a list of options supported at the moment:

Name Default Meaning
:deref-timeout-ms 5000 The number of milliseconds to wait when derefing futures.
:object-chunk-size 0xFF The number of object chunk when encoding uncountable collections (e.g. lazy seqs).
:byte-chunk-size 0xFFFF The number of byte chunk when encoding input streams.
:uncountable-max-items Integer.MAX_VALUE The max number of items to process when encoding uncountable collections (e.g. lazy seqs).
:encode-unsupported? true If true, dump every unsupported object into a string (see below). Otherwise, throw an error.
:io-temp-file? false When deciding previously encoded input stream, write its payload into a temp file.
:save-meta? true Preserve metadata for objects what have it.
:append? false Write at the end of an existing dump (see below).

That’s unlikely you’ll need to change any of these, yet in rare cases they might help.

GZipped Streams

Deed has a couple of functions that turn any input or output into GZIPInputStream and GZIPOutputStream instances respectfully. It allows to compress the data on the fly. Here is how you compress:

(with-open [out (deed/gzip-output-stream "dump.deed.gz")]
  (deed/encode-to [1 2 3] out))

And decompress:

(with-open [in (deed/gzip-input-stream "dump.deed.gz")]
  (deed/decode-from in))
;; [1 2 3]

Keep in mind that compression saves disk space but consumes CPU usage.

Appending to a File

In rare cases, you’d like to append data to an existing file. This might be done in two steps. First, you initiate the FileOutputStream object manually and pass the true boolean flag meaning put the content at the end of a file, not the beginning:

(with-open [out (new FileOutputStream file true)]

Second, when encoding the data into such an output, specify the {:append? true} option. In this case, Deed won’t emit a leading deed.Header object:

(with-open [out (new FileOutputStream file true)]
  (deed/encode-to {:hello 123} out {:append? true}))

Handle Unsupported Types

By default, when Deed doesn’t know how to encode an object, it turns it into a string using the standard .toString method. Than it makes a special Unsupported object that tracks full class name and the text payload. Let’s present it with a custom deftype declaration:

(deftype MyType [a b c])

(def mt (new MyType :hello "test" 42))

(deed/encode-to mt "test.deed")

(deed/decode-from "test.deed")
;; #<Unsupported@b918edf: {:content "demo.MyType@4376ae5c", :class "demo.MyType"}>

The Unsupported object can be checked with the unsupported? predicate:

(def mt-back
  (deed/decode-from "test.deed"))

(deed/unsupported? mt-back)
;; true

To coerce it to Clojure, just deref it:

{:content "demo.MyType@4376ae5c", :class "demo.MyType"}

Above, the "demo.MyType@4376ae5c" string doesn’t say much. This is because the default .toString implementation of deftype lacks fields. That’s why it’s always worth overriding the .toString method for custom types:

(deftype MyType [a b c]
  (toString [_]
    (format "<MyType: %s, %s, %s>" a b c)))

(def mt (new MyType :hello "test" 42))

(deed/encode-to mt "test.deed")

(def mt-back
  (deed/decode-from "test.deed"))

(str mt-back)
;; "Unsupported[className=demo.MyType, content=<MyType: :hello, test, 42>]"

;; {:content "<MyType: :hello, test, 42>", :class "demo.MyType"}

Now the content has fields, so at least you can observe them.

When the :encode-unsupported? boolean option is false, Deed throws an exception by facing an unsupported object:

(deed/encode-to mt "test.deed" {:encode-unsupported? false})

;; Execution error at deed.Err/error (
;; Cannot encode object, type: demo.MyType, object: <MyType: :hello, test, 42>

Supported Types

The table below renders types supported by Deed out from the box:

OID TAG Class Comment
0x0000 NULL null (nil)  
0x0001 HEADER deed.Header A leading object with general info about encoding
0x0002 UNSUPPORTED deed.Unsupported A wrapper for unsupported objects
0x0003 META   Specifies an object with metadata
0x0004 INT int, java.lang.Integer  
0x0005 INT_ZERO   A special OID for 0 int
0x0006 INT_ONE   A special OID for 1 int
0x0007 INT_MINUS_ONE   A special OID for -1 int
0x0008 SHORT short, java.lang.Short  
0x0009 SHORT_ZERO   A special OID for 0 short
0x000A SHORT_ONE   A special OID for 1 short
0x000B SHORT_MINUS_ONE   A special OID for -1 short
0x000C LONG long, java.lang.Long  
0x000D LONG_ZERO    
0x000E LONG_ONE    
0x0010 IO_INPUT_STREAM When decoding, the bytes are put into a ByteArrayInputStream. It’s also possible to put them into a temp file and obtain a FileInputStream
0x0011 IO_READER - Not implemented
0x0012 IO_FILE - Not implemented
0x0013 IO_BYTEBUFFER java.nio.ByteBuffer  
0x0014 ARR_BYTE byte[]  
0x0015 ARR_INT int[]  
0x0016 ARR_SHORT short[]  
0x0017 ARR_BOOL boolean[]  
0x0018 ARR_FLOAT float[]  
0x0019 ARR_DOUBLE double[]  
0x001A ARR_OBJ Object[]  
0x001B ARR_LONG long[]  
0x001C ARR_CHAR char[]  
0x001D REGEX java.util.regex.Pattern  
0x001E CLJ_SORTED_SET clojure.lang.PersistentTreeSet A sorted set usually created with (sorted-set ...)
0x001F CLJ_SORTED_SET_EMPTY   A special OID for an empty sorted set
0x0020 CLJ_SORTED_MAP clojure.lang.PersistentTreeMap A sorted map usually created with (sorted-map ...)
0x0021 CLJ_SORTED_MAP_EMPTY   An empty sorted map
0x0022 URI  
0x0023 URL  
0x0024 EXCEPTION java.lang.Exception Keeps message, class name, stack trace, cause (recursively encoded), and all the suppressed exceptions
0x0025 IO_EXCEPTION    
0x0026 THROWABLE    
0x0027 EX_INFO    
0x0028 EX_NPE    
0x0029 BOOL_TRUE boolean, java.lang.Boolean True value only
0x002A BOOL_FALSE boolean, java.lang.Boolean False value only
0x002B STRING java.lang.String Stored as a number of bytes + bytes
0x002C STRING_EMPTY   A special OID indicating an empty string
0x002D CHAR char, java.lang.Character  
0x002E CLJ_VEC clojure.lang.APersistentVector A standard Clojure vector
0x002F CLJ_VEC_EMPTY   A special OID indicating an empty vector
0x0030 CLJ_ATOM clojure.lang.Atom Gets deref-ed when encoding
0x0031 CLJ_REF clojure.lang.Ref Gets deref-ed when encoding
0x0032 FUTURE java.util.concurrent.Future Deed .gets the value using timeout from options. When time is up, an exception is throw. When decoded, it’s returned as an instance of deed.FutureWrapper: a fake object that mimics a future.
0x0033 CLJ_SET clojure.lang.APersistentSet A standard Clojure immutable set
0x0034 CLJ_SET_EMPTY   A special OID indicating an empty set
0x0035 CLJ_LAZY_SEQ clojure.lang.LazySeq Encode a lazy sequence produced with map, for, etc. Stored as a collection of chunks like <chunk-len><items...>. When decoding, read until the chunk of zero length is met.
0x0036 CLJ_SEQ Type depends on the origin collection Becomes a vector when decoding
0x0037 CLJ_LIST clojure.lang.PersistentList  
0x0038 CLJ_LIST_EMPTY   A special OID indicating an empty list
0x0039 CLJ_QUEUE clojure.lang.PersistentQueue  
0x003A CLJ_QUEUE_EMPTY   A special OID indicating an empty queue
0x003B CLJ_MAP clojure.lang.APersistentMap  
0x003C CLJ_MAP_EMPTY clojure.lang.APersistentMap An empty Clojure map
0x003D CLJ_MAP_ENTRY clojure.lang.MapEntry A pair of key and value
0x003E CLJ_RECORD clojure.lang.IRecord An instance of defrecord object. When decoding, becomes an ordinary map. To preserve the origin type, use the handle-record macro (see below).
0x003F CLJ_TR_VEC c.l.PersistentVector$TransientVector A transient Clojure vector.
0x0040 JVM_MAP java.util.Map A Java map, usually an instance of HashMap.
0x0041 JVM_MAP_ENTRY java.util.Map$Entry  
0x0042 UUID java.util.UUID  
0x0043 JVM_LIST java.util.List When decoding, becomes an instance of ArrayList.
0x0044 JVM_LIST_EMPTY java.util.List A stub for an empty list.
0x0045 JVM_VECTOR java.util.Vector  
0x0046 JVM_VECTOR_EMPTY   An empty Java vector.
0x0047 JVM_ITERABLE java.lang.Iterable Encoded as uncounted chunked sequence of objects
0x0048 JVM_ITERATOR   When decoding, becomes an instance of ArrayList.
0x0049 JVM_STREAM  
0x004A CLJ_KEYWORD clojure.lang.Keyword  
0x004B CLJ_SYMBOL clojure.lang.Symbol  
0x004C UTIL_DATE java.util.Date  
0x004D DT_LOCAL_DATE java.time.LocalDate  
0x004E DT_LOCAL_TIME java.time.LocalTime  
0x004F DT_LOCAL_DATETIME java.time.LocalDateTime  
0x0050 DT_OFFSET_DATETIME java.time.OffsetDateTime  
0x0051 DT_OFFSET_TIME java.time.OffsetTime  
0x0052 DT_DURATION java.time.Duration  
0x0053 DT_PERIOD java.time.Period  
0x0054 DT_ZONED_DATETIME java.time.ZonedDateTime  
0x0055 DT_ZONE_ID java.time.ZoneId  
0x0056 DT_INSTANT java.time.Instant  
0x0057 SQL_TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp  
0x0058 SQL_TIME java.sql.Time  
0x0059 SQL_DATE java.sql.Date  
0x005A BYTE byte, java.lang.Byte  
0x005B BYTE_ZERO   A stub for byte 0
0x005C BYTE_ONE   A stub for byte 1
0x005D BYTE_MINUS_ONE   A stub for byte -1
0x005E FLOAT float, java.lang.Float  
0x005F FLOAT_ZERO   A stub for float 0
0x0060 FLOAT_ONE   A stub for float 1
0x0061 FLOAT_MINUS_ONE   A stub for float -1
0x0062 DOUBLE double, java.lang.Double  
0x0063 DOUBLE_ZERO   A stub for double 0
0x0064 DOUBLE_ONE   A stub for double 1
0x0065 DOUBLE_MINUS_ONE   A stub for double -1
0x0066 JVM_BIG_DEC java.math.BigDecimal  
0x0067 JVM_BIG_INT java.math.BigInteger  
0x0068 CLJ_BIG_INT clojure.lang.BigInt  
0x0069 CLJ_RATIO clojure.lang.Ratio  
0x006A VECTORZ_AVECTOR mikera.vectorz.AVector See the deed-vectorz package

Extending Custom Types


Although Deed handles plenty of types, you can easily have a type that is unknown to it. Handling such a type is a matter of two things: extending both encoding and decoding logic.

Imagine you have a custom deftype with three fields:

(deftype SomeType [x y z]

Here is how you extend the encoding logic. First, declare a custom OID number for it. The number must be short (two bytes) meaning the range from -32768 to 32767. When declaring such an OID, please ensure it doens’t overlap with pre-existing OIDs.

(def SomeTypeOID 4321)

Then extend the IEncode protocol with that type:

(extend-protocol deed/IEncode
  (-encode [this encoder]
    (deed/writeOID encoder SomeTypeOID) ;; !
    (deed/encode encoder (.-x this))
    (deed/encode encoder (.-y this))
    (deed/encode encoder (.-z this))))

Or vice versa: extend the type with the protocol:

(extend-type SomeType
  (-encode [this encoder]
    (deed/writeOID encoder SomeTypeOID) ;; !
    (deed/encode encoder (.-x this))
    (deed/encode encoder (.-y this))
    (deed/encode encoder (.-z this))))

Pay attention that in both cases the first expression must be the writeOID invocation. The OID is always put first because decoding logic relies on it. Then we encode custom fields x, y, and z.

Encoding might be a bit easier if you extend a type with IEncode when declaring it. In this case, the -encode method has direct access to x, y, and z as they were local variables.

(deftype SomeType [x y z]
  (-encode [this encoder]
    (deed/writeOID encoder SomeTypeOID)
    (deed/encode encoder x)
    (deed/encode encoder y)
    (deed/encode encoder z)))

Since encode is a general function, it handles any types. You don’t bother if x is a number, or a string, or a keyword, or a nested SomeType instance.


Extend the decoding counterpart by adding implementation to the -decode multimethod:

(defmethod deed/-decode SomeTypeOID
  [_ decoder]
  (let [x (deed/decode decoder)
        y (deed/decode decoder)
        z (deed/decode decoder)]
    (new SomeType x y z)))

Here you retrieve x, y, and z fields back and componse a new instance of SomeType. Let’s check it quckly:

(def _buf
  (deed/encode-to-bytes (new SomeType 1 2 3)))

(deed/decode-from _buf)
;; #object[demo.SomeType 0x47e19f78 "demo.SomeType@47e19f78"]

The order of written and read fields does matter, of course. If you mix them, you’ll get a broken object back.


There is a couple of macros that extend protocols and multimethods under the hood: expand-encode and expand-decode. The first one accepts an OID, a type (class), and a couple of symbols to bind: the current Encoder instance and the current value you process. Then there is a body that encodes fields:

(deed/expand-encode [MyOID SomeType encoder some-type]
  (deed/encode encoder (.-x some-type))
  (deed/encode encoder (.-y some-type))
  (deed/encode encoder (.-z some-type)))

Pay attention, you don’t call writeOID inside the body because it’s already a part of the macro.

The expand-decode macro accepts an OID and a symbol bound to the current Decoder instance. Inside, you decode fields and compose an object:

(deed/expand-decode [MyOID decoder]
  (let [x (deed/decode decoder)
        y (deed/decode decoder)
        z (deed/decode decoder)]
    (new AnotherType x y z)))

Handling Defrecords

By default, records defined with the defrecord macro are read as Clojure maps. This because they’re created at runtime and thus are not known to Deed. To preserve the origin type, either you extend a record with the IEncode protocol and extend the -decode multimethod as described above. Another way is to use the handle-record macro that does the same. It accepts just two arguments: a unique OID and the type of a record:

(defrecord Bar [x y])

(deed/handle-record 4321 Bar)

The body of the macro is missing as you don’t need to pass anything else. Internally, a record is still encoded as a Clojure map but using the OID you passed. When decoding this map, before it gets returned to the user, it’s wrapped into the <YourType>/create invocation which creates a record instance from a map.


Deed comes with some minor packages that will make your life a bit easier.


The package deed-base64 brings functions to encode values into a base64-encoded stream, and read them back. This is useful when passing encoded data throughout a text format, for example JSON. The package relies on Base64OutputStream and Base64InputStream classes from the Apacke Commons Codec library. As it’s a third-party dependency, the functionalty is shipped in a sub-package.

A quick example:

(ns deed-base64-demo
   [deed.core :as deed]
   [deed.base64 :as b64]))

(with-open [out (-> "dump.deed.b64"
  (deed/encode-to [1 2 3] out))

The base64-output-stream function wraps any source and makes an instance of Base64OutputStream. As you write to it, the data gets silently base64-encoded:

(slurp "dump.deed.b64")

Read it again by wrapping the file into the base64-input-stream function:

(with-open [in (-> "dump.deed.b64"
  (deed/decode-from in))

;; [1 2 3]

The deed.base64 namespace provides a number of shortcuts, namely:

Function Comment
encode-to-base64-bytes Encode a single value into base64 byte array
encode-seq-to-base64-bytes Encode a sequence of values into a base64 byte array
encode-to-base64-string Encode a single value into a base64 string
encode-seq-to-base64-string Encode a sequence of values into a base64 string
decode-from-base64-bytes Decode a single value from a base64 byte array
decode-from-base64-string Decode a single value from a base64 string
decode-seq-from-base64-bytes Decode a sequence of values from base64 byte array
decode-seq-from-base64-string Decode a sequence of values from base64 string

Their signatures are similar to what we’ve covered so far.


The deed-vectorz package extends Deed with classes the from the mikera/vectorz library. These vectors are good for fast computations. A brief demo:

(ns demo
   [deed.core :as deed]
   [deed.vectorz :as vz])
   (mikera.vectorz Vectorz)))

(def vz
  (Vectorz/create (double-array [1.1 2.2 3.3])))

(def dump
  (deed/encode-to-bytes vz))

(deed/decode-from dump)
;; #object[mikera.vectorz.Vector3 0x5ecb1a9a "[1.1,2.2,3.3]"]

The Vectorz class is a general factory for other classes like Vector1, Vector2 and similar. Deed extends the AVector class which is common for all of these.

Binary Format

The binary payload of Deed is quite simple. It consists from the following pattern:


At the beginning, there is always a deed.Header object with general information about how encoding was made. At the moment, it only tracks the version of the protocol and nothing else. The header has constant size of 30 bytes where unused bytes are reserved. In there future, there might be more data in the header.

The content depends on the nature of a type. Say, if it’s an integer, there are always four bytes. If it’s a string, than we have four-byte length of the upcoming byte array, and then the array by itself.

Counted collections are encoded whis way too. First, there is a total length of a collection, and the items encoded one by one. As the items might be of different types, they have their own OIDs:


This section, perhaps is not too detailed at the moment, will be extended in the future. For now, check out the source code: see the and files.


Deed is a bit faster than Nippy as it’s written mostly in Java. The time difference depends on the nature of data being processed, but in general Deed is about 1.5 times faster. Here are encoding metrics made on two various machines using the Criterium library:

Decode measurements made for the same data: