Clojure extended: Java interop book
Today, I published my first Clojure book about Java interop. It took 60 pages and seven chapters with five of them related to practice. I solve real cases borrowed from real projects I’ve have worked before in Clojure relying on Java a lot.
I decided to write such a paper because I got tired of more and more Clojure books published. They all consider their reader as a newbie and do leave enough room for extended topics.
The whole that book is a single extended topic. It consists of bits of knowledge I’ve been collecting for years. It is a tough and nerdy reading for those who bother with details. I’m really proud of I managed to complete it.
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huima, 21st Nov 2020, link
You might not have yet noticed, but yesterday Gene Kim just endorsed your book. Congrats.
I also bought the book because of that.
Hopefully you continue to write about Clojure in English.
Ivan Grishaev, 21st Nov 2020, link , parent
Thanks, I didn't know! The English version of "Clojure in Production" is coming: